A marriage proposal. Documented. What a fun concept. :)

Pram reached out with the idea of him proposing in the Major's Hill Park on a February weekend while visiting from Vancouver. And I was all in - finding the perfect spot and marking it with balloons was my job. Now, this was before the "freedom convoy" took over downtown Ottawa and I wasn't sure if Pram & his fiancé-to-be would even make it to Ottawa. But they did and they stayed at the Chateau Laurier (right in the middle of the chaos) and we needed a new plan. We considered the Rideau Canal as skating was open by then, but ended up going with the hotel itself. Pram found a nice hallway that I had access to and I waited for them to come downstairs. And the rest is history. Pavan was super surprised and the ring fit like Cinderella's shoe. ;)

Right after we went to take those portraits in the park where it was supposed to take place, but due to all the honking and noise wouldn't work. For portraits though it didn't matter as much. Good thing you can't hear the noise in the photos. And I think this will be a weekend they'll never forget.

Thank you, Pavan & Pram, for allowing me to capture this special moment for you!